
Accelerator of Good Sharing economy

The Sharing Group is difficult to put in a box and that is how we like it. We are not a classical investment club, nor an ordinary impact investor. We started as entrepreneurs and successfully built a large scale profitable tech business. From there, we started investing in mobility and energy to accelerate the transition towards a better planet.

We summarize our impact philosophy
in the concept of Good Sharing



As loyal supporters of Sharing, we also have a clear vision for the future of our own company. We strive to share ownership of The Sharing Group in its most literal form. In 2023 we – of course together with Share Council – have already started to make employees and customers shareholders. In the coming years, we will continue to reward the loyalty of our colleagues and customers with innovative participation programs. In order to permanently safeguard our impact mission, also with a large number of shareholders, we opt for a Steward Ownership model in 2023.

Our higher

We believe in a new economic model: the Good Sharing Economy. An economy in which we mutually solve important issues such as mobility and energy. More local, fairer and more autonomous. Initially, of course, we are working on Shared Mobility, but one of our dreams called The People’s Power Plant is looming on the horizon. An energy system in which we store our self-generated energy in shared cars and share it with our neighbors. That’s what we’re working towards.


We welcome our 25,000th member

We welcome our 25,000th member

In July 2024, we passed the 25,000 member mark and over 7,000 members became co-shareholders. Now that’s Good Sharing.

Launch of The Heggers Project

Launch of The Heggers Project

Our own energy community: Home Energy for a Greener Grid. 

The Sharing Groups invests in e-carsharing company ELOOP

The Sharing Groups invests in e-carsharing company ELOOP

Because we find their shared ownership technology so interesting.

Cargoroo, a shared cargo bike concept, joins The Sharing Group

Cargoroo, a shared cargo bike concept, joins The Sharing Group

So that together we make the city more livable.

The Sharing Group invests in social fintech startup Share Council

The Sharing Group invests in social fintech startup Share Council

Making employees shareholders, that’s what we want too!

We participate in Gridio

We participate in Gridio

This Estonian start-up makes use of dynamic energy super accessible.

MyWheels becomes market leader

MyWheels becomes market leader

We acquired Amber and decided to further integrate all our shared car brands into MyWheels. This is how we became the market leader.


2003 – 2010
Mijndomein: the start of Shared Hosting

Making domain names accessible, affordable and simple for everyone. That has always been the goal of Mijndomein. In the first three years, Mijndomein grew to a portfolio with more than 100,000 domain names. Customers appreciated the price-value ratio and the simplicity of the proposition. We are pioneers on many fronts. A real disruptor that changed the market

2011 - 2015
The growth and development of Mijndomein

Mijndomein continues to develop as the consumer brand for domain registration and shared hosting. Together with Metaregistrar (as a wholesale company), new domain extensions are being explored. We successfully launched the new domain extensions dotFRL and dotAmsterdam.

In addition, we introduced the first car subscription for private individuals in the Netherlands during this period. Private Lease was still unknown territory at that time, and all those cars with Mijndomein stickers ensured a lot of brand awareness. Win-win for both the customer and us. To finance the cars, we set up a bond platform ourselves and collected money without the intervention of banks. This way we become acquainted with the mobility market and gained experience with this form of self-financing.

2016 - 2021
The idea of Shared Mobility and Shared Energy is born

After seeing the documentary ‘het einde van bezit’, founder and owner Henri de Jong gets inspiration for a new mission: Mobility and Energy must become shareable. But how? From then on, Mijndomein mainly invests in companies and entrepreneurs who believe in the same shared dream. We are actively entering the market and invest in companies such as Juuve, MobyOne, Amber, Buurauto, ConnectCar and MyWheels. In the energy sector, we join ZonneFabriek, ZonderGas, WoonDuurzaam and EnergyZero.

We are acquiring majority shares in MyWheels and EnergyZero. And we do the same with Weave, a development company from Rotterdam with a track record in building high-quality software platforms.

The Sharing Group becomes official

Mijndomein Groep becomes The Sharing Group. A fast-growing family of tech companies committed to accelerating the Good Sharing Economy. The Sharing Group has a majority stake in Mijndomein, MyWheels, EnergyZero and Weave. In addition, from this moment on, the portfolio of ventures in which we invest will grow.

Accredited Sharing Company

This year The Sharing Group became an Accredited Sharing Company. This means that we are defined as a company that shares its (future) ownership with employees (and possibly other stakeholders), in order to share the economic profits and possible legal rights to the company. A fair share for everyone. We are proud of that.


Henri de Jong

The man who started it all. And still every day full of new plans to make the world better and fairer. Spiritual father of the Good Sharing philosophy.

Stefan Heesakkers

Stefan is the financial conscience of our organization and monitors our growth path, so that we can develop value & impact in a financially sound way, viable towards the future.

Joost van Rooij

Marketing strategist and support for all brands. Loves brand architecture, and tirelessly sharpens propositions.

Karen van den Boom

Responsible for business strategy and international expansion. Impact maker with a penchant for optimization.

Justin Stoke

New ventures will get to meet Justin first. As Head of Ventures, he explores and supervises the group's new and ongoing investments.

Hans Valk

CEO of EnergyZero, rock in the fierce surf that the energy market is nowadays.

Auke Ferwerda

Founder of EnergyZero and driven inventor of dynamic energy contracts. Once talking to a brick wall, now the figurehead of Dutch energy technology 

Herman Veenstra

CEO of Mijndomein. And therefore responsible for more than a million dreams that lie behind the registered domain names.